The human bodies’ organs and organ systems develop in a process known as organogenesis whole process is biological and a part of the nature. Disease is a disorder of the structure or function in a human body. The changing internal chemistry is displayed signs as symptoms all changes are natural and should be used natural healing method. we use chemicals to balance altered internal body by the using natural substances and expect to reveal ancient knowledge about natural healing methods
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Ayurvedic Tea
Brewing method
Two cups water to 1 or 2 tablespoons of dried leaves or flowers. To brew a single cup using 1 teaspoon of dried herbs. Depending on the herb you will generally use hot to boiling water and Pour hot water over the herbs in a closed container and leave to steep. You can use dried herbs 2times or 3times to make herbal brew after1st usage by drying.
Brewing time:
20 minutes is needed to infuse. This herbal tea is not similar to brewing "tea", you know Camellia sinensis becomes bitter and undrinkable when it takes more time to infuse. Most herbal teas are gained by longer steeping time and it’s caused to extract the active compounds. Brewing the herbs in a closed container like an enamel teapot which preserve volatile compounds such as essential oils from evaporation.
herbs should be let to settle in to the bottom and pour off the top while letting the herbs soak in the water. The second cup is often better than the first.You need not throw out the leftovers either, and may want to reuse them as a "starter" for another fresh batch.
Unused portion of herbal in a glass jar with a air tied lid and refrigerate. Herbal tea not should be kept longer than 3 days and second day is much better.
Sun Tea:
put fresh or dried herbs in a glass jar fill with water and place in a hot, sunny windowsill for several hours.
Moon Tea:
place the herb in an open crystal glass. fill the fresh water until cover herbs and place directly in the moon light(full moon being the best time) Do not cover. Allow to infuse overnight and drink in to empty stomach in the morning which work best with fresh, aromatic herbs are much propper.
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