Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Proficient Ayurvedic Physician in Ancient Era

king Ravana ( Dasis Ravana)

Ravana  is  a great Scholar inAyurvedic medicine. He was the person who invented “Arka Shastra”," Nadi Prakashaya"," uddisha tantraya","Prakrurtha Kamadhenu".  

The book “Arka Prakshaya”,.which is a method of making tincture is very sophisticated method .as his willing to research in Ayurvedic medicine.

He wrote several books revealing the cures for many diseases. The book “Kumara Tantraya” which elucidate the treatments for infant diseases was written by him accepting the request of his pregnant queen Mandodari

Kumara Thantraya sayed that  Health is 
the condition of the human body that is called free of disease. If oil and wick are present in sufficient quantity, the lamp will maintain burning, otherwise  due to some shortage there may be cause to worry in similar manner, you have to give food for the infant  at the proper time, and meal after regular intervals have lapsed, and unpolluted food, otherwise the mother may suffer from depression and the result is that her breast milk will become inappropriate to consume. By prominant of a stress lifestyle, Mother may (also) suffer from depression.And, by drinking this (polluted ) milk, various forms of ailments may arise in the infant's body. 

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