Vernacular name of Aerva Lanateae is Polpala.which is mainly used as a raw material of medicines that is contained of flavonoids, phenol acid, and alkaloids and considered to be diuretic and antiseptic. The herb also contains much potassium nitrate and helps to save potassium in organisms. Polpala can be used for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, for salt metabolism disorders. (gout and spondylosis.) Moreover, this herb can be used for non-specific kidney and urinary tracts inflammations.
Use of Polpala as a Herbal Tea
50g of dried parts of Polpala is boiled with eight cups of water until one cup of ecoction is remained.
Diseases that are Treated by Polpala
- Roots are used for headache and demulcent.
- Decoction of the root is given as tonic to pregnant women.
- Also used for the treatment of gonorrhea and kidney disorders.
- For cutaneous affections and sugar in urine.
This herb is described as "one of the best known remedies for bladder and kidney stones." Ayurvedic practitioners recommend decoction of this plant to be taken internally for few days to dissolves the stone and to clear the urinary path.