The human bodies’ organs and organ systems develop in a process known as organogenesis whole process is biological and a part of the nature. Disease is a disorder of the structure or function in a human body. The changing internal chemistry is displayed signs as symptoms all changes are natural and should be used natural healing method. we use chemicals to balance altered internal body by the using natural substances and expect to reveal ancient knowledge about natural healing methods
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Paspalum scrobiculatum
Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn. Mant. 1767.
Vernacular name of sinhala : Amu , Karal – Amu.
Perennial grass with stems 60 – 90 cm high, tufted, erect or suberect, rather stout, lesfy from the base upword; leaves bifarious, erect or subrect, 15 – 22.5 cm long, 0.2 – 0.8 cm cm broad, flat, finely acuminate, mid – vein slender, margins : scaberulous; sheath 10 – 20 cm long,compressed, loose, mouth hairy ligule very short, membranous; spikes 2 – 6, sessile, usually distant and spreading,2.5 – 15 cm long,rhachis filiform or broad and concave,margins ciliolate; spikelets closely imbricate in 2-3 series, sessile or shotly pedicelled from nearly orbicular to sub ovoid, obtuse or subacute,biconvex, glabrous, very rarely or sparsely hairy,dring brown; glumes3,palea orbicular, tumid,thickly coriaceous, strongly inflexed below the middle forming2, broad, membranous auricles that embrace the grain; stamen 3, hypogynous, one at the base of the flowering glume and one opposite each vein of the palea, anthers of two paralled cells; ovary superior, unilocular with a single basal erect ovule, style 2, free,stigmas purple, plumose exserted from near the top of the spikelet, grain biconvex, free but tightly enclosed within the hardened glume and palea.
This plant is styptic and useful for inflammation and diseases of the liver. The expressed juice of the stem is applied on corneal opacity. The roots and rhizomes are employed in decoction as an alternative in child birth. The camphor – like substance in the internodes of the stem (which glows in the dark) is used in the treatment of snake – bite poisoning.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Hydnocarpus wightiana Blume
Hydnocarpus wightiana Blume, Rumph. 1848.
Sinhala name is Makula,
A tree about 12 – 15 m height; leaves simple, alternate, 12.5 – 22 .5 cm long, 3.7 – 7.5 cm broad, ovate, oblong or lanceolate, acuminate, entire or serrate, glabrous, base acute or rounded, petiole 0.6 – 1 cm long, stipules lanceolate and deciduous; flower regular, unisexual, dioecious, 1 – 1.2 cm diam, solitary or in small racemes ; sepal 5, imbricate, the outer ovate, the three inner much larger, very concave ; petal 5, with a scale at the base of each, broadly oblong or orbicular, rounded at the top, fringed with soft white hairs, scale about half the size of petals, ovate, densely hairy ; male flowers; stamen 5, sterile; ovary superior , globose , hairy, unilocular, ovules many on 3-6 parietal placentas, stigmas on 3 – 6, fiat on top of ovary, each cuneate and 2- lobe; fruit berry globose or obovoid, about the size of a small apple , tomen - tose , pericarp woody, seeds numerous, yellowish and obtusely angular.
Fatty oil
Chaulmoogra oil
Chaulmoogric acid,
Hydnocarpic acids.
The seeds are used as a remedy for certain persistent skin diseases, ophthalmia and as a dressing for wounds and ulcers. The oil from the seeds is applied on scabby eruptions and on scalds.
Sinhala name is Makula,
A tree about 12 – 15 m height; leaves simple, alternate, 12.5 – 22 .5 cm long, 3.7 – 7.5 cm broad, ovate, oblong or lanceolate, acuminate, entire or serrate, glabrous, base acute or rounded, petiole 0.6 – 1 cm long, stipules lanceolate and deciduous; flower regular, unisexual, dioecious, 1 – 1.2 cm diam, solitary or in small racemes ; sepal 5, imbricate, the outer ovate, the three inner much larger, very concave ; petal 5, with a scale at the base of each, broadly oblong or orbicular, rounded at the top, fringed with soft white hairs, scale about half the size of petals, ovate, densely hairy ; male flowers; stamen 5, sterile; ovary superior , globose , hairy, unilocular, ovules many on 3-6 parietal placentas, stigmas on 3 – 6, fiat on top of ovary, each cuneate and 2- lobe; fruit berry globose or obovoid, about the size of a small apple , tomen - tose , pericarp woody, seeds numerous, yellowish and obtusely angular.
Fatty oil
Chaulmoogra oil
Chaulmoogric acid,
Hydnocarpic acids.
The seeds are used as a remedy for certain persistent skin diseases, ophthalmia and as a dressing for wounds and ulcers. The oil from the seeds is applied on scabby eruptions and on scalds.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
ASOKA - female's pain killer
Saraca Asoca is a plant belonging to the Caesalpiniaceae subfamily of the Legume family. Ashoka is prized for it’s beautiful foliage and fragrant flowers. It is a very handsome, small, erect evergreen tree with deep green leaves that grow in dense clusters. Its flowering season is around February to April. Ashoka flowers grow in heavy and lush bunches. They are bright orange and yellow in color that is turning red before wilting. The flowers, peels, and seeds are taken as raw materials of cures.
Advantages of Saraca Asoca as a Medicament
- When the bleeding of uterus and pain full
- To normalize rheum and bile.
- Destroy toxins and pain.
- Uterus is relaxed.
- Worm diseases is destroyed.
- Acts as a diuretics and pain killer for menses pain.
Method of Decoction for diseases using saraca asoka
- 60g of Asoca barks
- Seven cups of water
- One cup of cow’s milk
All compound are well mixed and boiled. (temperature shouldn’t be over 1000 C.) After Vaporized, you should be keep one selected cup of decoction. Cure is taken twice a day. (In the morning and in the evening.) There are no side effects.
Diuretic Polpala
Vernacular name of Aerva Lanateae is Polpala.which is mainly used as a raw material of medicines that is contained of flavonoids, phenol acid, and alkaloids and considered to be diuretic and antiseptic. The herb also contains much potassium nitrate and helps to save potassium in organisms. Polpala can be used for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, for salt metabolism disorders. (gout and spondylosis.) Moreover, this herb can be used for non-specific kidney and urinary tracts inflammations.
Use of Polpala as a Herbal Tea
50g of dried parts of Polpala is boiled with eight cups of water until one cup of ecoction is remained.
Diseases that are Treated by Polpala
- Roots are used for headache and demulcent.
- Decoction of the root is given as tonic to pregnant women.
- Also used for the treatment of gonorrhea and kidney disorders.
- For cutaneous affections and sugar in urine.
This herb is described as "one of the best known remedies for bladder and kidney stones." Ayurvedic practitioners recommend decoction of this plant to be taken internally for few days to dissolves the stone and to clear the urinary path.
A Herbal drug for Male infertility - Velpenela
Cardiospermum halicacabum, known as the Balloon vine or Love in a puff, is one of the most valuable classical ayurvedic plant in Sri Lanka. local name of this plant is Valpenela. This is distributed in tropical and subtropical Africa and Asia Often found as a weed along roads and rivers. This is used to cure male infertility is caused from some irregular metabolic process and lack of hormone level.
First small amount of balloon leaves, 5 ml of butter, and 5 ml of honey bee are mixed and cooked. as a food supplement is taken twice a day. Your infirmity will be lost after few days
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